How to write college essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Soldier Mom Essays
Warrior Mom Essays Warrior Mom Essay Warrior Mom Essay â€Å"Soldier Mom†, one of Alice Mead’s books, recounts to an anecdote about the eleven-year old Jasmyn Williams who was abandoned with her half infant sibling when their mom was sent to war (Alice Mead Books).It was on early August of 1990 when Paula, Jasmyn’s mother, was doled out to be a piece of the Operation Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia toward the beginning of the Persian Gulf War (Soldier Mom: Editorial Reviews). In under two days, her mom will leave her and her stepbrother Andrew. Paula didn’t have sufficient opportunity to make game plans for her kids leaving her the choice of sending them to her beau, Jake.Jasmyn was astonished realizing that their mom will leave them for seven months of obligation. She was concerned of her mother’s wellbeing. During that time, Jasmyn was progressively intrigued by ball filling in as their group skipper. Out of nowhere, she would do family unit errands, for example, cooking, cleaning, and above all else dea ling with her stepbrother Andrew (Authors and Artists for Young Adults on Alice Mead).Living her existence with Jake and dealing with her sibling made an exceptionally enormous change in her life. Jake was not helping her that much on the family unit tasks and he even overlooked her birthday (Soldier Mom: Editorial Reviews). There were additionally times that she was disregarded dealing with Andrew. In view of these new duties, she invested more energy in doing family unit tasks as opposed to her enthusiasm, ball. Since lesser occasions were spent for ball, Jasmyn expected that she would need to give her situation to another part, Bridget O’Donnell.As a pre-young person, Jasmyn lost control to her mom believing that she deserted them just to do battle instead of invested energy dealing with them. She got frantic to the circumstance where her mom was from them and for Jake’s absence of feeling of parenthood. She additionally accepted that their mom doesn’t love t hem in such a case that she does, she could never leave them (Soldier Mom: Editorial Reviews).Through time, Jake started to acknowledge his duty of taking consideration both for Andrew and Jasmyn. Jasmyn likewise understood that she ought to consider Jake as a major aspect of the family and as a substitute parent. She likewise acknowledged that reality that her mom was simply doing her commitment and not purposefully leaving them.  â â â â â â â â â€Å"Soldier Mom†recounts to a story increasingly about the impacts of war towards the kids as opposed to the war itself. It depicts the life of the family who were deserted with a relative trooper battling on another land. It gives a superior image of the impacts of war on the lives of the group of a warrior and how they can adapt to the situation.In the instance of Jasmyn, she had to carry on with a real existence loaded with obligations even at a youthful age. Scorn and sentiment of relinquishment cleared all over he r. She had to surrender her energy and play out her obligation as a little girl and as a sister; yet at the same time, she was starting to acknowledge her circumstance and think more for what’s best instead of feel discouraged. She had the option to adapt on her circumstance and understood the significance of her mother’s obligation for her as well as for their nation. She was then ready to work out her relationship with Jake and considered him as a father.All these situations indicated the unforgiving impact of battling nations towards the families simultaneously, the job of grown-ups around the youngsters who were incredibly influenced. It indicated the significance of develop people on the comprehension and development of youngsters while adapting to the new circumstance.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Truth behind Lady Macbeth
English 4A 16 October, 2011 The Truth behind Lady Macbeth In the play, â€Å"Macbeth†, the character that stands apart the most is Lady Macbeth. Her job in this story is critical, she is a malicious, heartless, and goal-oriented individual. She is answerable for the killings that her significant other submits on the grounds that she was murderous for the crown. Indeed, she at that point turns out to be more anxious to get the crown than Macbeth himself and before long understands that once you submit one fierce act, there is practically no chance to get of ever turning around. An investigation of Lady Macbeth uncovers that she is a ground-breaking character who adds unpredictability and profundity to a play about homicide, frenzy, and retribution. Because of her desire to become sovereign, Lady Macbeth convinces her significant other to kill ruler Duncan. She blames Macbeth for being a defeatist accepting that he isn't commendable enough to coordinate his demonstrations with hey wants letting him know â€Å"Art thou afeard to be the equivalent in thine own demonstration and valor as thou craftsmanship in want? †(1. 7. 39-40). Woman Macbeth is attempting to draw out the wickedness inside her significant other, she needs to incite him into carrying out this horrible thing with the goal that Macbeth will never again be apprehensive and will be given to killing Duncan. She knows that she has power over her significant other which she is utilizing against him. Macbeth doesn't endure being called names by his own better half or by any other individual, he states â€Å"I dare do all that may turn into a man; who dares accomplish more is none†. To him his wife’s sentiment is significant and he is resolved to demonstrate his masculinity. This shows Lady Macbeth’s manipulative force against Macbeth and how she can utilize his feelings to pick up her own wants which was the crown. When her better half has chosen to proceed with it she at that point starts to design out the homicide. Cautious arranging is something Lady Macbeth appears to do well overall, she shows this when she is arranging Duncan’s demise. The two of them conclude that the best time to kill Duncan is the point at which he has nodded off, â€Å"What would you be able to and I perform upon Th’unguarded Duncan? †(1. 7. 69-70). This shows Lady Macbeth’s insight and how she can be set up for such a naughty wrongdoing. She recognizes the way that Macbeth could get captured so she comes up with another arrangement to fault Duncan’s officials for their homicide. â€Å"What not put upon his supple officials, who will bear the blame of our incredible control? †(1. 7. 70-71). She is sure that her significant other will pull off everything as long as he shows no dread and sticks to design. Point of fact she gives her valor and devotion to his awful demonstration. Not feeling any regret, she can handily relinquish blame and dexterously dispose of proof. As Macbeth returns to her after the deed is finished he is exceptionally stirred up and very neurotic that somebody saw him with the ridiculous blades. Woman Macbeth lets him know, â€Å"These deeds must not be thought after these ways; so it will make us mad†(2. 2. 34). By saying this she accepts that you shouldn’t feel remorseful about doing underhanded, you should simply complete it and proceed onward in light of the fact that contemplating it will just make you insane. Additionally she thinks while commiting rough acts, for example, murder try to dispose of any proof that will persuade you are a suspect. Baffled and upset that her significant other got back home washed in blood and the knifes in his grasp she states, â€Å"Infirm of direction! Give me the knifes. †(2. 2. 52-53). She is amazingly frustrated in Macbeth for being so reckless and can hardly imagine how he didn't experience the very much idea out arrangement easily. In her eyes he is as yet a quitter and doesn't have the foggiest idea how to carry on calmy when feeling remorseful. All through the play her character grows radically, for instance in the start of the play she is coldblooded, fiendish, and dauntless, at that point before long beginnings change and become a renewed individual. From the start she would have done anything in her capacity to get something complete particularly in the event that she was vowed to it,in reality she says that she would have slaughtered her own youngster, â€Å"I would, while it was grinning in my face†¦dashed the cerebrums out. †(1. 7. 56-58). This means the profundity her character adds to the story, her callous demeanor and her malevolent ways make it fascinating and urges the peruser to continue perusing with the goal that they can discover precisely what she will do straightaway. As a matter of fact, without Lady Macbeth, none of the homicides in the play presumably would have occurred since she is the one liable for every one of them. Despite the fact that Macbeth genuinely did the violations, she accepts she is increasingly honorable and similarly as solid as any man, â€Å"That which hath made them alcoholic hath made me strong. †(2. 2. 1). This means the wine that the men drink makes them alcoholic, anyway it invigorates her to do detestable things. Towards the finish of the story she understands that wrongdoing doesn't pay off and laments what she has done, anyway now it is past the point of no return. After the entirety of the homicides and blood that has been shed she starts to feel regretful. Acknowledging what she’s done, â€Å"Nought’s had, alls spent,†¦tis more secure to be what we decimate. †(3. 2. 5-7). Wrongdoing brings no joy so why trouble doing it when you don't pick up anything yet torment. The most noticeably terrible piece of wrongdoing is once it has been done it is extremely unlikely of taking it back, which is actually what Lady Macbeth thinks when she says, â€Å"What’s done can't be fixed. †(5. 1. 59-60). Ironicly she feels remorseful in light of the way that she was the person who felt that dread and lament was distinctly for the powerless and disdained weaklings. This demonstrates how much her character has created and prompts her defining moment in the play where she has a breakdown. Her inner voice at long last bamboozles her and in the last demonstration of the play she has gotten crazy. This scene is the most significant in light of the fact that it depicts everything Lady Macbeth has experienced. She feels liable for everything and wishes to take it back. Now she has totally lost her psyche, she is talking in rhymes, â€Å"The Thane of Fife had a spouse, where is she now? †(5. 1. 37). Macduff was the Thane of Fife and she is thinking about what has befallen his better half, which shows that she was unconscious of how Macbeth butchered his family. So much blood has been shed that it makes her debilitated, â€Å"Here’s the smell of blood still: all the scents of Arabia won't improve this little hand. †(5. 1. 44). After the entirety of the torment and anguish she has caused and what she has become, Lady Macbeth has had enough. The specialist later reveals to her significant other that she has ended it all which denotes the finish of the miserable and terrible story of her character. Taking everything into account, all through the most impressive disaster story of Macbeth we see the improvement of Lady Macbeth’s character. Seeing her go from underhanded and daring to a remorseful defeatist is truly enlightening on how huge her job is. It really gives her complexities and the profundity of such a ground-breaking character. That is the reason this play is one of the best and generally popular of Shakespeare’s work. Works Cited Shakespeare, William, and Alan Durband. Macbeth Modern Version Side-by-side with Full Original Text. Hove, S. Aust. : Townsend School for the Visually Impaired, 1986. Print.
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Avoid Using a Payday Loan to Buy Groceries - OppLoans
How to Avoid Using a Payday Loan to Buy Groceries - OppLoans How to Avoid Using a Payday Loan to Buy GroceriesInside Subprime: Jan 28, 2019By Lindsay Frankel40 million people, including 12 million children, struggle with hunger in the United States, and not all are eligible for government assistance. While food is a basic need it can be difficult to secure enough food for your family on a limited income. And when gaps in income or emergencies arise, many people turn to payday loans to put food on the table. But these risky, high-interest loans can drive borrowers into debt, making it even more difficult to afford food later on.There are more payday lending storefronts in the U.S. than McDonald’s restaurants, and if you’ve ever run out of money for food, you might have considered visiting both establishments. But getting food at the drive-thru is not your cheapest option, and will negatively impact your health. Similarly, costly payday loans should be a last resort, since they cause undue harm to your financial health. If you or your childr en are hungry, there are better options available.Budget and buy strategically. Setting a budget for food is one of the best ways to ensure you’ll have enough to go around. Compare what you spend with the official USDA Food Plans to see if you might be able to cut costs. Buy house brands, shop for sale items, and buy in bulk when you can. You should also be strategic about what you buy; get foods that are whole grain or high in protein, which will fill you up without breaking the bank. Check out this list of 5 home-cooked meals that are cheaper than McDonald’s. For more information, see our guide saving money on your grocery bill.Apply for assistance. If you’re struggling to cover the cost of food, you should check to see if you’re eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in your state. For states without online applications, you’ll need to visit your local SNAP office. If you qualify, you’ll get a card that can be used at authorized food retailers to h elp you purchase groceries. You can use this pre-screening tool to check your eligibility. It can take up to 30 days to receive your benefits, so if hunger is a problem for your family right now, you might also consider another option in the meantime. You should also look into other programs that may defray other costs, such as rent assistance.Visit a local food pantry or soup kitchen. Charities, nonprofits, and faith-based organizations can help families who are struggling to buy food. 4.3 billion meals each year are distributed each year through the Feeding America network of food banks. You can also find other local food pantries through this resource. Hours vary by location, but you’ll likely find a place to get a meal soon.Take out a lower-cost loan. If you’re not eligible for assistance and you need to borrow money in an emergency, consider all other options before taking out a payday loan. Personal loans from banks and credit unions will have lower interest rates, as will credit cards. But those who lack established credit history or have bad credit may have difficulty accessing these options. If you need a no credit check loan, consider taking out an installment loan. The combination of longer terms and lower interest rates makes these loans easier to manage for most people. Plus, making payments on time will help you build credit, which will set you on the path towards a healthier financial future.For more information on payday loans, scams, and cash advances and check out our city and state financial guides including Illinois, Florida, Texas and more.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Homeless Love Basketball Too Essay - 1093 Words
The Homeless Love Basketball Too 3†¦2†¦1†¦BZZZZT. The buzzer sounded and tears flooded my eyes as I sunk to the ground in what felt like slow motion. I couldn’t breathe. As I looked to the left I watched the blue and gold sea of fans as they rushed to file out of the stands as if they were being herded like cattle. As I looked to the right I saw the scoreboard, both making the tears fall faster. This was our shot, one win away from making a state appearance in over eight years and we blew it in the sectional final game. That was the last time I would ever play high school basketball. As the state tournament rolled around, I got more and more anxious knowing that I would have to sit and watch the team that took my dream away. I was â€Å"too sick to go to school†and on an early Friday morning I grabbed my favorite Harry Potter book and my dad and I left on for a short one-and-a-half-hour road trip to be able to make it to the first game in one of my favorite cities, Madison. When we pull into the city I can see the capital building and my heart begins to pound in my chest. I love it here, even though I only come here once a year. Thinking about the fun family owned chocolate shops that bribed you with free tiny fudge samples brought a smile to my face. Not to mention the thousands of places to eat everywhere you look, it was a total 180 from my farm house in Hilbert, Wisconsin. Compared to living down a half mile bumpy, gravel driveway, where all you can see is filthy cows reekingShow MoreRelatedProposed Solutions to the Foreclosure Crisis Essay1038 Words  | 5 Pagesraise money, for example, one’s community can set up events such as chili cook-offs, garage sales, neighborhood football or basketball games, or even set up special accounts at neighborhood banks so other people who do not know the family can drop off items like canned goods and money like those whose house has been lost in a fire or other disaster. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Reading Of Apology By Plato - 1282 Words
As I sat and reflected on the lessons and books we have read, a few readings really stood out to me. The Book of Job, particularly, really influenced me. From the readings and the lecture I learned how this man was so faithful and had so many trials, but in the end, he stayed true to his faith and never doubted the Lord. Another example of this fortitude is in the reading of Apology by Plato. This story is great because it shows how wise Socrates actually was, and despite the fact that he was put on trial he lived by his teachings and never faltered. Even though the Book of Job and Apology were written during different eras in history both teach those bad things do happen to good people and when they do, it’s admirable to stand firm in your beliefs. Both Job and Socrates had the honor of being known as the greatest men of their time. The Book of Job gives a brief description of Job stating that he lived a very rich life. I feel as if Job is a very God-fearing man and proved h is willingness to adhereâ€â€as diligently as possibleâ€â€to the will of God. Job was blessed with many things such as the material wealth of land, animals, money, and family. According to the first chapter of the Book of Job: Seven sons, and three daughters were born to him; and he had seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred she-asses, and a great number of work animals, so that he was greater than any of the men of the east. (613) Socrates, however, was theShow MoreRelatedLessons Learned From Socrates Plato s The Apology 1453 Words  | 6 PagesFrom Socrates (Three Points Learned From Socrates in Plato’s â€Å"The Apology†) In the year of 399 BCE, the philosopher Socrates was put on trial for two things, being an atheist and corrupting the youth. Both of these charges were because of false accusations of people who were insulted by Socrates’ intelligence. Socrates’ argument or defense against the charges while he is on trial is written by Plato, Socrates’ student, as â€Å"The Apology.†During Socrates’ trial, he argued that he was not wise, but explainedRead MoreUnderstanding Philosophy and Its Benefits1194 Words  | 5 PagesUnderstanding Philosophy and its Benefits By: Anonymous Understanding Philosophy and its Benefits 1 Many of Plato’s dialogues such as the Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo are based upon the same reoccurring theme, the defense of the study of philosophy. Plato’s dialogues notable for their depth in a relatively narrow framework, attempt to argue the benefits of philosophical reasoning through essence, knowledge and truth. To understand the benefits of philosophy one must pose the questionRead MorePlato And Plato s The Apology1623 Words  | 7 Pagesmore interested in determining how the world worked and its origins/cosmology, as oppose to philosophers such as Plato And Socrates who focused more on ethics or morality. 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Although Plato s version of Apology is popularly believed to be (the most accurate) historical recount of what happened in 399 B.C on the day of Socrates trial, historians cannot be sure the validity of everything he wrote. It can be argued that it is actually a philosophical work, remarking on the teachings of Socrates and his beliefs, which he stood by even until hisRead MoreAllegory Of The Cave Readings And Good Brahmins By Voltaire733 Words  | 3 Pagesassignment for this class is to compare the different philosophy viewpoints of Plato’s Apology and Allegory of the Cave Readings with Good Brahmins by Voltaire. A recapitulation of the Apology, Allegory of the Cave Readings and Good Brahmins will provided, evaluating each story’s position. Finally, concluding both Socrates’ and the Good Brahmin’s into my own philosophical understanding and perspective. First, Apology. This is Plato’s narrative of Socrates trial for charges â€Å"that Socrates is a doer
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Global Marketing vs Domestic Marketing - 3690 Words
Global Marketing versus Domestic Marketing Introduction Marketing is far and wide. Informally or formally, organizations and people engage in various actions that could be called marketing. Marketing deeply influences our everyday lives. Good marketing is the result of careful designing and implementation. Marketing practices are continually being refined and reformed in virtually all industries the chances of success. But marketing excellence is rare and difficult to achieve. Marketing is both a â€Å"science†and an â€Å"art†– there is stable tension between the creative side and the formulated side of marketing. Domestic marketing takes place within the boundaries of the nation. In a global industry the strategic ranking of competitors in the†¦show more content†¦Strategic marketing is negotiating, initiating, and managing suitable exchange relationships with crucial interest constituencies or groups, in search of sustainable competitive advantage within particular markets, on the strength of long run ch annel, consumer and other stakeholder franchise . The long held inhabitants of marketing are focus†,†competitive advantage and customer value. Which means that the organisation have to study the market first then develop services or products that satisfy customer requirements and wants, build up the correct marketing mix and fulfil the objectives as well as providing customer satisfaction on a long-lasting basis. Preoccupation with the planned workings of the marketing mix direct to the neglect of lasting product development, so Strategic Marketing was developed. The focus was shifted from understanding the whole thing about the customer, to understanding the customer in a framework which includes the government regulations and policy, competition, and the broader social, political macro, and economic forces that outline the evolution of markets. For global marketing this means falsifying alliances (relationships) or expanding networks, working intimately with industry competitors and home country government officials an d to achieve entry to a target market.Organisations start to expand and run functions in the targeted country or outside countries. The following are the stages to describe the characteristicsShow MoreRelatedHow Effective Global Advertising1084 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction: This paper focuses on how effective global advertisements with respect to cultural effects in India. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic Intent free essay sample
Traditional competitor’s analysis is far too outdated in order to measure the continuously changing global market and develop organizations sustainable strategic intent (Hamelamp; Prahalad 1989). The organizations inside and outside scope of constantly changing global market have developed dramatic impact to the organizations, causing difficult to develop sustainable competitive advantages. Thus the organizations have to widen their vision to all possible competitors in order to incorporate and develop competitive advantages leading the firm’s success. By firms continuously reviewing and comprehending competitor’s strategic intent and their SWOTs analysis gives strong vision to changing global market and ideal to where the firms should be leading to Curtis et al (2006). This will result in firms developing sustainable competitive advantages in continuously changing global market. Furthermore by understanding competitor’s internal strength and weakness, by overpowering them contributes to firms broadening their view of future global market place and understanding there strategic intent can turn into firm’s development of their own sustainable strategic intent and competitive advantages (Grant 2003). As a result acquisition of the broad view of all the possible potential competitors and global market, by comprehending and studying competitors SWOTs and strategic intent allows success in firms in global market through gaining sustainable competitive advantages Grant (2003). However, if the firm’s vision of the changing global market place and competitors is narrow it may causes firms to be defeated their opportunities in gaining competitive advantages in global market place and also their current market position (Chandrapeakaikul 2008). Firms’ having narrow vision prevents them to comprehend the changing global market and visualize the future global market place, which leads to firms fail achieving sustainable strategic intent and success. As global leading organization it’s clear that they have strong measureable and sustainable strategic intent allowing them to create sustainable competitive advantages in the global market (Hamelamp; Prahalad 1989). Thus in order for firms to gain sustainable strategic intent it requires them to have extraordinary communication, which allows individuals in the firms to increase their devotion and dedications to the process of the firms objective. Furthermore it allows amongst the firm’s members allows in increasing effectiveness and efficiency, which leads to firm’s success. Within the firms high-level leader has significant role in developing and continuously improving communication between individual members of the firm. It is emphasized by Lreland and Hitt (1999) that having effective strategic plan in communicating and organizing firms members formed by the high level leader results firms competitive advantages creating synergy influences and improves strategic decisions. In addition, it also provides basis for coordinating decentralized decision-making that brings strong standard position in global market to the firms. Strategic planning can develop the environment of the organization that might create focusing on improving individual members ability to approach personal’s best goal if this condition satisfied sum of individuals efficient tigers considerable results of value in organization which is beyond individuals pure sum (Andersen 2000). However, when the high level leaders sets a goal, which is astronomical or impossible to approach, it causes individuals in the firms to decrease in their moral, motivation, and leads to divergence. This triggers firms to misplace control of the human resources causing problematic in predicting or finding the strategic of all potential competitors in the global market. Also it is indicated by Lines (2004) that if the values and the goals are not been reflected or been achieved firms are expected to decrease in their ability and capability. It can be seen that successful and leading firms have well developed management structure that tends to success in acquisitioning sustainable strategic intend and competitive advantages. Hamel and Prahalad (1989) suggest that by firms utilizing managers and high-leveled managers can take role in figuring out the global market trend and customers in order to approach sustain strategic intent, which allows the firms to have long-term plan that leads to organization success. Furthermore, firms managers should implement total quality management (TQM), which can become their competitive advantages, by providing better quality and service them competitors (Claver et al. 2001). This can benefit by firms achieving strategic process, which allows them to settle a correlation between total quality management and strategic management. Total quality management benefits firms by providing goods and service, which consists of, enhanced quality to customer’s satisfactions. It results in building a sustainable comparative advantage amongst competitors by attracting more customers. Following this process the executive is able better communicate with whole firm members in order to increase co-operation and co-ordination among the firm’s members. As a result, the form of the organization turns from bureaucratic culture to quality-oriented one, which triggers sustainable and long-term competitive advantage and would contribute to successful organization (Claver et al. 2001). In addition TQM also can benefit when it firm faces opportunities, they get various inter-comprehension and are able to predict future long-term plan or forecast in same time. By achieving opportunity which is external factors that organization has no control, it provides them with great change to create sustainable strategic intent and comparative advantages. However when they failed to get motivation to approach the goal, the firm’s aim could be not success to process. This results from incorrect information or inefficient decisions that firms have made in order for them to achieve the goal (French, Kelly amp; Harrison 2004). Also strategic intent mix process could lead to conflicts between the firm’s members when they combined and subsequently processing it together causing inefficiency and failure to survive in the global market.
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